What if we didn’t need to learn arcane commands? What if you could use the most effective and powerful communication tool ever invented? This tool evolved over millions of years and allows you to express complex ideas in very compact and data dense ways yet can be nuanced to the width of a hair [2]. What is this tool? It is our voice.Brian Roemmele
5:16 – Hound
8:46 – We talk about the benefits of the data-crunching power behind the Amazon Echo in Amazon web services compared to Apple’s Siri.
10:10 – IBM Watson‘s API and developer community
11:30 – HTML5 Web Speech API
She saw this as an entity, as a person – not as a thing, but as a conversational partner!Jason Griffey, on his daughter’s reaction to Alexa
17:00 – It’s all about empathizing with the things we use! We tend to think voice interfaces are cool because it makes doing hard programm-y things easier, but the tangential thing they bring is company, community.
18:45 – On interfaces responding to your tone of voice.
21:19 – Have we seen any of this implemented in libraries or at the higher-ed level?
24:00 – On gender
It is no accident that every single one we have named that is commercially available and sold to people — Cortana, Siri, Google Now, and Alexa — those are female gendered. These are all bots that are the result of someone building them, they are all gendered in a way that I think is problematic.Jason Griffey
30:23 – Creating a personality that would anticipate the personality you need at at that time!
037 - [Terrifying] Voice User Interfaces with Jason Griffey