Metric by Michael Schofield
Metric UX
Andy Priestner

Andy Priestner

Andy Priestner is a global trainer and consultant on user experience, leadership, social media, and LEGO Serious Play. He's the originator and chair of UXLibs, among many things a best-in-show UX conference, as well as the title of the book he edited with Matt Borg.

In this episode, we were able to wrangle our timezones and chat about the upcoming conference, as well as Futurelib -- an open innovation program exploring the future role of academic libraries within the University of Cambridge through ethnographic studies -- and, really, what prompted Andy to resign.

  • 4:00 - About the "team challenge" at UXLibs, plus shout-outs to Ned Potter, Matt Borg, and Donna Lanclos.

  • 9:04 - The state of user experience design in these institutions

  • 11:55 - What happened with Futurelib

  • 18:02 - Andy on leaving his job and going freelance

  • 20:48 - The Tracker Project: eye-tracking people in libraries with glasses

Metric by Michael Schofield
Metric UX
"The user experience is a metric." Brief high-level practical design strategy thinking and strategy by Michael Schofield.