Metric by Michael Schofield
Metric UX
Links Should Open in the Same Window [Redux]

Links Should Open in the Same Window [Redux]

Hey there. Michael Schofield here - thank you so much for tuning in to another Metric - a pretty good podcast about design and the user experience.

This episode is a redux! I just recently updated the most popular post I’ve ever written called “Links Should Open in the Same Window” - because they should, you savages.

I’m going to read it to ya. I’m proud of it.

And hey, would you mind rating us in iTunes? It’s a pretty good show. And if you think so, we could use your help to bring Metric to the attention of some new ears! That would be super kind of you.

Metric by Michael Schofield
Metric UX
"The user experience is a metric." Brief high-level practical design strategy thinking and strategy by Michael Schofield.