Recently, LITA embarked on a big persona-making project in order to better align their services to the needs of their members, the results of which they just revealed. This provides a solid talking point to introduce conceptual problems with personas and introduce a potentially better-suited approach: jobs to be done.
00:43 - LITA created a bunch of personas
2:14 - What does LITA actually want?
3:39 - Personas are more noise than signal
5:37 - Personas are best as a demographic snapshot
6:05 - The User Story
7:35 - The Job Story
8:04 - Jobs to be Done
11:36 - So what jobs do LITA personas need done?
14:04 - What should LITA do, then?
15:44 - Support Metric:
16:42 - How to enter for our giveaway: a copy of Practical Design Discovery by Dan Brown.
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Personas, Jobs to be Done - oh, and LITA